Vision and Mission

Cultivating Young Minds to Build Strong Nations


Building Strong Nations


Through our classical Christian education, we establish and equip the next generation to lead with clarity and virtue. Our methods are designed to cultivate  wisdom and virtue by nourishing the soul on the true, the good and the beautiful  so that the student is better enabled to know, to glorify, and to enjoy God.


We exist:

For students: We equip students to lead with clarity and virtue, and to become mature adults who value truth, acknowledge God’s beauty, and do good (Daniel 1:4, Ephesians 2:10).

For parents: We collaborate with them in the responsibility of educating their children. (Proverbs 22:6).

For our community: We support our great community while modeling excellence, integrity, and service to others. (Mark 10:45, Zechariah 1:17).

For teachers: We affirm them in their calling as educators, support their maturing in Christ, and empower them to be effective and productive in the classroom. (2 Peter 1: 3-11).

What Everyone Is Saying About Veritas

We want the best life for our child. A best life starts with a strong foundation. Veritas Academy is that foundation. We couldn’t be happier with our choice to choose Veritas.

Because of Veritas Academy’s commitment to students, my children are motivated to learn, they are challenged at their skill level instead of being held back due to their ages.

Transition from other educational models is seamlessly supported. Staff and teachers are proactive and caring to the smallest detail. Leadership goes above and beyond for ALL students.

Veritas Academy prepared my child for college. His biology professor said his papers are some of the best first-time college papers she has ever seen.